San Miguel Corporation's Backyard Bukid, initiated in 2021 to assist its service personnel during the pandemic, has grown into a vibrant urban farm at the company's head office complex. The space, once underutilized, now cultivates 39 varieties of flowering plants and vegetables, transforming it into a flourishing green space.
The Backyard Bukid now includes a plant nursery, 80 garden plots, and serves as a center for employee wellness, volunteerism, and training. It's a testament to how one seed of an idea can blossom into a garden that not only feeds but nurtures the spirit.
San Miguel Foundation's replication of this project across several SMC facilities was a massive step forward. However, the recent partnership with Urban Farmers PH has brought a new dimension to the initiative, enhancing the farm's diversity and variety of produce.
The farm now grows not only farmyard staples like tomato, okra, and ampalaya but also exotic produce like kale and romaine lettuce. This collaboration has reaffirmed SMC's commitment to urban agriculture and resilience in the face of adversity.
SMC President and Chief Executive Officer Ramon S. Ang has been instrumental in promoting urban agriculture through the Backyard Bukid project. His vision of creating a space where support staff can collaborate and learn life-long skills has been a catalyst for the project's success.
Ang's goal to extend this initiative to even more facilities and involve more employees is a testament to his belief in the transformative power of urban farming. His gratitude towards Urban Farmers PH for their assistance in expanding the project underscores the importance of collaboration in turning vision into reality.
Urban Farmers PH, established in 2021, has been redefining underutilized public spaces by converting them into thriving urban farms. Their founder and farmer-in-chief, Louie Gutierrez, expressed his excitement about the partnership with SMC. He hopes that this project will inspire other companies to delve into agriculture, which he believes to be the future of our food.
Currently, SMC’s Backyard Bukid follows a harvest cycle of 20 to 35 days. Once the produce is harvested, it's distributed among the members who then sell it to employees. This initiative not only fosters a sense of community but also provides an additional source of income for the staff.
Some of the harvest also finds its way to SMC's Better World Tondo community center, contributing to its daily feeding program. This initiative showcases how urban farming can contribute to community-building and social welfare.
Backyard Bukid isn’t just about growing plants; it’s about fostering growth in people. Support staff involved in the project dedicate time both in the morning and afternoon to tend to the farm. They also attend weekly plant care sessions with Urban Farmers PH, enhancing their knowledge and skills in agriculture.
Backyard Bukid member Je-An Layva shares the joy and learning she has gained from the project. Not only has she learned how to plant and care for plants, but she has also made new friends. This project has created a sense of community among the staff, making it a nurturing environment for both plants and people.
As one of the most diversified conglomerates in the country, SMC has launched several initiatives that aim to promote agriculture and assist local farmers. The company's recent Agripreneurship Scholarship program is a testament to their commitment to empowering local farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Better World Diliman, a community center opened by SMC in July 2020, serves as a ready market for excess produce from all over Luzon. To date, it has helped some 4,500 farmers, rescuing over 950,000 kilograms of produce and reducing food waste from local farms.
SEED Philippines has also contributed to SMC’s urban farming initiatives by helping its packaging division create urban farms in their facilities in Manila and Cavite. This collaboration underlines the importance of partnerships in creating a more sustainable and resilient food system.
Photo by: SMC
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