In the quaint town of New Lucena, something remarkable is brewing. A project of monumental proportions that is slated to transform the dairy industry of Iloilo and the whole of Western Visayas. This is the story of the PHP40-million feeds center, a beacon of progress and prosperity.
The inception of this transformative project was marked by the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the local government and the National Dairy Authority (NDA). A promising partnership was forged by NDA administrator Dr. Gabriel L. Lagamayo and New Lucena Mayor Liecel Mondejar-Seville. Witnessed by NDA OIC Assistant Manager Vicente B. Bitolinamisa III and representatives of the newly reorganized Western Visayas Dairy Farmers Confederation, it was a monumental moment for the dairy industry.
The project will be housed in a sprawling 3-hectare property of the municipality. It includes the NDA regional office building and the feeds center that will also accommodate feeds and milk laboratories and a training center. A blueprint of progress, it stands as a testament to the commitment and vision of the stakeholders.
The project is more than just brick and mortar. It is a model of sustainability. "We will look for farmer partners who can make this sustainable,” Dr. Lagamayo stated. The partners would shoulder any improvement in the future, making this a community-driven initiative.
Once operational, the center is expected to churn out 250 tons of corn silage and 50 tons of pelletized concentrates monthly. These numbers aren't just impressive, they represent the potential to massively boost the local dairy industry.
The feeds center will also elevate New Lucena to a center for livestock development, a vision deeply cherished by Mayor Seville. It's a dream turned reality that will bring tangible benefits to the local community.
The dairy industry in Western Visayas has been on an upward trajectory for the past three years. "We have 6 percent year-to-year growth in terms of production and herd inventory,” Bitolinamisa pointed out. This new development is set to further enhance this growth.
The impact of this project is far-reaching. Not only will it boost the dairy industry, but it will also provide employment opportunities, stimulate the local economy, and contribute to the overall development of Western Visayas.
The future looks bright for the dairy industry in Western Visayas. With the advent of the PHP40-million feeds center, a new dawn has arrived. A dawn filled with promise, potential, and prosperity.
As we stand on the brink of this transformative era, we can't help but feel a sense of optimism. The PHP40-million feeds center is not just a project, it's a revolution. A revolution that is set to redefine the dairy industry in Western Visayas.
Source: PNA
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